Friday, September 17, 2010

HRH Sultan Esmail D. KIram Appeals to the People of SSNBK kingdom

His Royal Highness Sultan Esmail D. KIram is appealing to the people to continue the peaceful vigilance of promoting Peace and Order within SSNBK kingdom. He strongly appeal to the people to watch and report all movement of organized and non-organized groups or individuals that is being used or instrument to sow instability to the once mighty kingdom of SSNBK. His HRH maintained to follow by the people  the law and order of the government which SSNBK kindom is under whether Philippines or Malaysia. He do not see any circumstancial problem working between two government since Cultural and Tradition is the only concern of SSNBK hierarchy.

The Sultan also citicized some foreign oriented groups that is using Spanish language ,to promote their cultural language to re-inject the crooked history that we have experienced from the Spanish for more than 300 years. The Sultan reiterated that even the word " Pilipino " is an abomination to our original Malay culture and tradition , because it denote and pattern after  King Philip II of Spain who died of venereal desease  and is not proper to be the icon of being a Pilipino. Few Pilipino might have known the true facts about what sort of tribulations was experienced by our forefathers in the hands of the Spaniards that practically made us slaves for 300 years.

His HRH favored the idea of former President Marcos to be called our people "Maharlika " rather than Pilipino . Maharlika word reflect the true nature of our people because our country was then called 'Sulu Archipelago islands is under SSNB kingdom before Spanish set foot in the Philippines. HRH Sultan Esmail D. KIram want to make it clear that we are already a kingdom before Spanish colonized us and therefore, the said discovery of the Philippines is a blatant lie and a crooked history on the ground that if SSNBK kingdom is existing before Spanish came  - How could Magellan can possibly discovered an already existing kingdom and named it after KIng Philip II ? The Sultan suspect the idea that Queen Isabela of Spain has wanted to give an honor to his father King Phillip II who died dishonorably in Spain of venereal desease.

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