Friday, September 17, 2010

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His HRH Sultan Esmail D. Kiram II has received the Highest Civilian Service Award for Humanitarian and Community service from US President Barack Obama, the sultan's contribution to his constituents has reverberated in the whole world. His HRH Sultan Esmail D. Kiram II is well known and vocal for the humanitarian issues in Mindanao and Sabah regarding the plight of his people . As the Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo, his highness is calling for international intervention for Mindanao Peace as well as the plight of his stateless people in Sabah.

This development may pave way for America to seriously look into the matter of the issues. Sabah has been rented since 1878. The political hegemony of the British government and the transfer of lease to Malaysia in 1963 is not clear to this day. Malaysia is claiming hard that it is part of their sovereignty given by the British Government ,wherein the personality of the British Government in Sabah Lease is not even embodied in the original Lease contract of 1878. On the other hand , Sulu group of island has also exhibit a highly questionable issue . Spain sold the Philippines to America whereas Sulu islands is not included in the sale under the Treaty of Paris . The previous goverment o America has foreseen this and under the Bates and Carpenter Agreement they forged a deal to the Sultan of Sulu to include Sulu group of islands under American territorial jurisdiction. However, latest developments suggesst that those Agreement is plausibly illegal without the approval of US Congress.

Barack Obama being a former lagislator can easily look on this issues . He may have seen the wrong impetus of white American style of implementing a tyranous governance worldwide  . He won in a landslide presidential race to Joe Biden and thus the first time in history that a black American who spend part of his life in Asia with roots in Kenya will change America in a more humane governance.Barack Obama is considered the universal president for his in depth knowledge of political and cultural aspect and thus cannot be compared to any US President in the past. The mild mannered and straight forward president will be beneficial not only to America ,but the whole world in general in these hard times of economic turmoils.The tyranous style of past governance of America that resulted in the total distrust of UN member nations can possibly healed by Barack Obama to bring back America on her feet of old glory and respect of nations.

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